When will my plants ship?

We ship our plants according to seasonality and in sequence of when we receive orders. In addition to this, different varieties of iris size up to our shipping standards at different rates.  

Plant shipping seasons (weather dependent):

Spring Daylilies: March – June

All other Daylilies: late June – early September

Potted Bearded Iris: March - April

Bare root Bearded Iris: mid-July through mid-September

Beardless Iris: mid-September

Amaryllis and  Allium: shipping times can be found on those product pages

All of our iris and daylilies are put into a “dig” schedule once we receive your order. For the most part, our orders are hand-dug and shipped in the order that we receive them.  However, we also have to take into account the rhizome size.  Some plants need to remain in the ground longer than others.   Plants will be dug once they have sized up to our shipping standards.   For this reason, quoting exact ship dates is not possible.   When your order ships from our farm via ground carrier it can take 7 to 10 days for delivery. Once your order ships from our farm you will receive an email with tracking information so you will know exactly when to expect your new plants!